I never used to be this way but since about 2013 I've been pretty hard to pin down - at least geographically. It was that year, echoing the penned words of Henry David Thoreau, I opted to live more deliberately, by removing myself from societal chains, devoting myself to the lessons taught by the wilderness. I sought to eliminate any possibility that, when I eventually come to die, I would never consider that I had not truly lived.
So with this new inspiration, I planned, with plenty of room for spontaneity, a year long journey through the American landscape of our National Parks. Disengaged from societal pursuits to set out alone and face the uncertainty guaranteed by the Wilderness. I would henceforth refer to this rite of passage as...The Walkabout.
Upon my return from the wilderness I was worn, beaten, starving, bruised, and lonely. Despite these detriments, I was stronger, smarter, happier, and more enlightened than I had ever been before. It was increasingly clear that the wilderness had provided me with an education I would have never otherwise earned if I had not taken this leap of faith out of my comfort zone. Harnessing the glory and recognizing the rewards that the wilderness had bestowed upon me had inspired me to continue seeking more.